Our brief was to design a British Values wall graphic for the main corridor at Denbigh High School, Luton. Our concept was to delve fairly deeply into each of the Fundamental British Values, as listed in a publication by the British Government. The purpose of the wall graphic was to inspire discussion and to ultimately promote the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils. According to Ofsted, ‘fundamental British values’ are: • Democracy We designed a British Values wall that covered each of these topics in a fair amount of depth. The democracy section features an illustration showing the structure of British parliamentary democracy. The Rule of Law is demonstrated with the structure of the British legal system. The central section of the wall surrounds a inset bookcase. We decided to use the motif of trees around the bookcase, to symbolise the role of education, rights and responsibilities in individual liberty. We used words in the branches of the trees alongside quotations from several well known figures to explore the issues. Further along the wall we deal with Mutual Respect and Tolerance in two panels that show a stylised town containing places of worship alongside secular buildings such as centres for science, the Arts and sport. Finally, at the start of the British Values wall graphic, we show geographical maps of Britain at different scales, which shows our relationship to the constituent countries within the UK and our place in Europe and the World. Our blog article about school wall graphics: 10 things school wall graphics can do. In this post, we share 10 years of experience in school wall art design and… In this article, our school branding experts at Toop Studio would like to share their… Promoting British Values in Schools is a challenge. This article looks at Toop Studio’s wall… The walls in our schools offer a great opportunity to communicate visually to students, staff…School Wall Graphics – British Values Wall – Denbigh High School
School Wall Graphics – British Values Wall – Denbigh High School
The Brief
The Concept and Outcome
• The Rule of Law
• Individual Liberty
• Mutual Respect for and Tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith.Related Links
Commissioning School Wall Art: 10 Tips for Success
The A to Z of Design for Schools
Promoting British Values – School Wall Graphic
10 things school wall graphics can do